Ancient Philosophy
59063. Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini (CPF). Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. Parte II: Frammenti Adespoti e sentenze, vol. 1***: Frammenti Adespoti. 2023. xxx,228 pp. con 18 tavv. f.t. di cui 2 in pieghevoli di grande formato. (Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere "La Colombaria". Leo S. Olschki Editore) (Br.) \18,018
59064. Machek, David; The Life Worth Living in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy. 2023, 2024-Jul. 260 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \7,304 / \21,945
59065. Murphy, James Bernard; Deification in Classical Greek Philosophy and the Bible. 2024-Jul. 378 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \29,260
59066. Nielsen, Karen Margrethe; Vice in Ancient Philosophy. Plato and Aristotle on Moral Ignorance and Corruption of Character. 2024-Feb. 74 pages. (Elements in Ancient Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,972 / \14,619
59067. Vazquez, Daniel; Suspension of Belief. 2024-Apr. 75 pages. (Elements in Ancient Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,972 / \14,619
59068. The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium. Edited by Sophia Xenophontos, Anna Marmodoro. Contributors: Sophia Xenophontos, Anna Marmodoro, David Bradshaw, Riccardo Chiaradonna, Sara Ahbel-Rappe, John F. Finamore, Robbert M. van den Berg, Benjamin Blosser, Demetrios Harper, Leonora Neville, Byron MacDougall, Riin Sirkel, Michele Trizio, Peter Lautner. 2024-Apr. 301 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \7,887 / \21,945
59069. Kingsley, K. Scarlett; Herodotus and the Presocratics. Inquiry and Intellectual Culture in the Fifth Century BCE. 2024-Mar. 272 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871
59070. [Empedocles] Ferella, Chiara; Reconstructing Empedocles' Thought. 2024-Febr. 412 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \29,260
59071. [Socrates] Dorion, Louis-André; Études socratiques. 2023-Oct. 352 pages. (Les Belles Lettres) (Br.) \6,666
59072. [Sophists] The Cambridge Companion to the Sophists. Edited by Joshua Billings, Christopher Moore. Contributors: Joshua Billings, Christopher Moore, Kathryn A. Morgan, Mark Munn, Håkan Tell, Richard Bett, Mauro Bonazzi, Evan Rodriguez, Chloe Balla, Mirjam E. Kotwick, Mi-Kyoung Lee, David Conan Wolfsdorf, Susan Prince, Christopher C. Raymond. 2023. 400 pages. (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \26,235
59073. Dillon, John; The Roots of Platonism. The Origins and Chief Features of a Philosophical Tradition. 2024-Feb. 119 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,675 / \6,424
59074. [Platon] Ilievski, Viktor; Plato's Theodicy. The Forgotten Fount. 2023. 224 pages. (Brill's Plato Studies Series, 15. Brill) (Hb.) \36,036
59075. [Platon] Kalderon, Mark Eli; Cosmos and Perception in Plato's Timaeus. In the Eye of the Cognitive Storm. 2023.05. 368 Pages, 7 b/w Illustrations. (Issues in Ancient Philosophy. Routledge) (Hb.) \34,320
59076. [Platon] Lombardini, John; Plato's Political Thought. 2023-Dec. viii,120 pages. (Brill Research Perspectives in Ancient History. Brill) (Pb.) \17,017
59077. [Platon] Pitteloud, Luca; Ordre et désordre dans l’univers. Une étude sur l’expérience de pensée du Timée. 2024-Feb. 396 pages. (Brill's Plato Studies Series, 16. Brill) (Hb.) \48,367
59078. [Platon] Poetsch, Christoph: Conceptual Patterns in Plato's Parmenides. 2023. 204 Seiten. (Vittorio Klostermann) (Kt.) \11,066
59079. [Platon] Plato's Gorgias. A Critical Guide. Edited by J. Clerk Shaw. Essays by Clerk Shaw, Josh Wilburn, Harold Tarrant, Hugh Benson, Eric Brown, Clerk Shaw, Nich Baima, Olivier Renaut, Frisbee Sheffield, Terence Irwin, Ryan Balot, Alison Murphy 2024-Jul. 247 pages. (Cambridge Critical Guide. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871
59080. [Philon] Philo of Alexandria; On the Change of Names. Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Michael Cover. 2024-Feb. xxxiv,630 pages. (Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, 8. Brill) (Hb.) \53,229
59081. [Atticus] Michalewski, Alexandre; Le dieu, le mouvement, la matière. Atticus et ses critiques dans l'Antiquité tardive. 2024-Apr. 382 pages. (Anagôgê, 16. Les Belles Lettres) (Br.) \11,561
59082. [Aristoteles] Aristotle; Topics Book VI. Translated with an introduction and commentary by Annamaria Schiaparelli. 2023. 400 pages. (Clarendon Aristotle Series. Clarendon Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \8,415 / \30,294
59083. [Aristoteles] Aristotle's On the Soul. A Critical Guide. Edited by Caleb Cohoe. Essays by Caleb M. Cohoe, C. D. C. Reeve, Jason W. Carter, Krisanna Scheiter, Christopher Shields, Christopher Frey, Jessica Gelber, Klaus Corcilius, Mark a. Johnstone, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Rosemary Twomey, Sean Kelsey. 2022, 2024-Apr. 293 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \7,304 / \21,945
59084. [Aristoteles] Falcon, Andrea; The Architecture of the Science of Living Beings. Aristotle and Theophrastus on Animals and Plants. 2024-Aug. 300 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871
59085. [Theophrastus] Falcon, Andrea; The Architecture of the Science of Living Beings. Aristotle and Theophrastus on Animals and Plants. 2024-Aug. 300 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871
59086. [Alexandros] Studies on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ On Mixture and Growth. Edited by Gweltaz Guyomarc’h and Frans A.J. de Haas. 2023. 288 pages. (Philosophia Antiqua, 170. Brill) (Hb.) \37,422
59087. [Epicurus] Épicure; Lettres, Maximes et Sentences. Traduit par Alfred Ernout et Jean-Louis Poirier. Édité par Peter von der Mühll. Introduction et notes de André Comte-Sponville. 2024-Feb. xxx,154 pages (Classiques en poche, 124. Les Belles Lettres) (Br.) \3,421
59088. [Philodemos] Philodem, Geschichte der Akademie. Einführung, Ausgabe, Kommentar von Kilian Josef Fleischer. 2023. xvi,1105 pages. (Papyri Graecae Herculanenses, 1. Brill) (Hb.) \54,879
59089. [Philodemos] Filodemo; Opera incerta sugli Dèi. A cura di Marzia D'Angelo. 2022. 420 pp. (La Scuola di Epicuro, 20 . Bibliopolis) (Ril.) \19,250
59090. [Philodemos] Nijs, Wim; The Epicurean Sage in the Ethics of Philodemus. 2023. 320 pages. (Philosophia Antiqua, 168. Brill) (Hb.) \49,610
59091. Kirsch-Klingelhöffer, Charlotte; Frühchristliche Stoarezeption. Zur Rezeption einer philosophischen Schule in den apologetischen und antihäretischen Schriften des 2. und frühen 3. Jahrhunderts. 2024-May. xiii,663 Seiten. (Studies in Education and Religion in Ancient and Pre-Modern History in the Mediterranean and Its Environs, 21. Mohr Siebeck) (Gb.) \29,568
59092. [Poseidonios] Hall, J.J.; The Meteorology of Posidonius. 2023.08. 296 Pages, 2 b/w Illustrations. (Issues in Ancient Philosophy. Routledge) (Hb.) \37,180
59093. [Sextus Empiricus] Sextus Empiricus Against the Arithmeticians. Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Lorenzo Corti. 2023-Dec. vi,228 pages. (Philosophia Antiqua, 167. Brill) (Hb.) \31,603
59094. Ambury, James M.; Neoplatonic Pedagogy and the Alcibiades I. Crafting the Contemplative. 2024-Jul. 272 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871
59094. Ambury, James M.; Neoplatonic Pedagogy and the Alcibiades I. Crafting the Contemplative. 2024-Jul. 272 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871
59095. [Plotinus] Strózynski, Mateusz; Plotinus on the Contemplation of the Intelligible World. Faces of Being and Mirrors of Intellect. 2024-Jul. 375 pages. (Cambridge Studies in Religion and Platonism. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \29,260
59096. [Porphyrios] Porphyre – Lettre à Marcella. Édition critique, traduction française, introduction et notes par Jean-François Pradeau. 2023. x,148 pages. (Philosophia Antiqua, 169. Brill) (Hb.) \38,808
59097. [Porphyrios] Beatrice, Pier Franco; The Philosophy of the Few against the Christians. An Inquiry into the Textual Transmission of Porphyry’s Philosophy according to the Chaldean Oracles. 2023-Nov. 512 pages. (Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition, 31. Brill) (Br.) \70,664
59098. [Proclus] Proclus; Commentary on Plato's 'Republic'. Edited and translated with an introduction and notes by Dirk Baltzly, John F. Finamore, Graeme Miles. Volume I: Essays 1 - 6. 2018, 2020-Sep. 443 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \5,929 / \17,622
59099. [Proclus] Proclus; Commentary on Plato's 'Republic'. Edited and translated with an introduction and notes by Dirk Baltzly, John F. Finamore, Graeme Miles. Volume II: Essays 7 - 15. 2022, 2024-Apr. 434 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \8,767 / \23,397
59100. [Boethius] Boethius’ ‘Consolation of Philosophy’. A Critical Guide. Edited by Michael Wiitala. Essays by Michael Wiitala, John Magee, Siobhan Nash-Marshall, Wendy Elgersma Helleman, Claudio Moreschini, Renato de Filippis, Mark K. Spencer, Antonio Donato, Paul DiRado, Thomas Jürgasch, Vladimir Cvetkoviæ, Jonathan Evans, Katherin Rogers. 2024-May. 277 pages. (Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871