
Medieval & Renaissance Philosophy

63085.    Images of Desire in the Mediterranean World. Edited by Agostino Paravicini Bagliani and Pietro Silanos. 2024. vii,559 pp. (Micrologus Library, 121. SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo) (Br.) \22,352

63086.    The Legacy of Aristotelian Enthymeme. Proof and Belief in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Edited by Fosca Mariani Zini. 2023, 2024-DEC. 232 pages. (Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition. Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb. / Hb.) \8,734 / \25,619

63087.    [Maimonides] Manguel, Alberto; Maïmonide. La foi dans la Raison. Traduit par Laurent Cantagrel. 2024-Sep. 264 pages. (Le Goût de l'Histoire, 31. Les Belles Lettres) (Br.) \3,762

63088.    [Abaelardus] Viri, Federico; Arts du langage et noétique. La notion d’attentio chez Pierre Abélard. 2024-Oct. 180 pages. (Études de philosophie médiévale. Vrin) (Br.) \5,104

63089.    [Petrus Lombardus] Petrus Lombardus; Sententiae in quatuor libris distinctae - Vier Bücher der Sentenzen. Lateinisch - deutsch. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Stephan Ernst. Zwei Teilbände in einem Band. 2024. 1,976 Seiten. (Fontes Christiani, Sonderband. Verlag Herder) (Ln.) \38,929

63090.    [Stephen Langton] Stephen Langton, Quaestiones Theologiae. Liber III, Volume 3. Edited by Magdalena Bieniak and Andrea Nannini. 2024-Jul. 624 pages. (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi. Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \36,465

63091.    [Thomas Aquinas] Thomas Aquinas; Questions on the Passions. Summa Theologiae 1a2ae 22-48. Translated and edited with an introduction by Robert Miner. 2024-Sep. 346 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,860

63092.    [Thomas Aquinas] Love Seeking Understanding. Aquinas, Balthasar, and the Renewal of Sapiential Theology. Edited by Michael Altenburger and Jacob W. Wood. Foreword by Matthew Levering, afterword by Michael Waldstein. 2024-June. 406 pages. (Catholic University of America Press) (Hb.) \21,780

63093.    [Thomas Aquinas] Summa metaphysicae ad mentem Sancti Thomae. Essays in Honor of John F. Wippel. Edited by Therese Scarpelli Cory and Gregory T. Doolan. Contribution by Gregory T. Doolan, Philip Neri Reese, Mark Gossiaux, David Twetten, Therese Scarpelli Cory, Stephen Brock, Gloria Frost, Francis Feingold, Gaven Kerr, Brian Carl, Michael Rubin, Jason Mitchell. 2024. xx,411 pages. (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, 68. Catholic University of America Press) (Hb.) \18,557

63094.    [Thomas Aquinas] Frost, Gloria; Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers. 2024-Apr. 251 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \7,304 / \21,945

63095.    [Thomas Aquinas] Gorman, Michael; A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics. 2024-Mar. 272 pages. (Catholic University of America Press) (Pb.) \8,954

63096.    [Thomas Aquinas] Osborne Jr, Thomas M.; Thomas Aquinas on Virtue. 2024-Apr. 243 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \7,304 / \21,945

63097.    [R. Grosseteste] Lafleur, Claude; La « Nouvelle logique » des Communia du pseudo-Robert Grosseteste. 2024-Oct. 800 pages. (Zêtêsis. Vrin / Presses de lfUniversite Laval) (Br.) \11,660

63098.    [Roger Bacon] Ruggero Bacone; Moralis philosophia. Traduzione italiana con testo latino a fronte a cura di Paola Bernardini, Carla Casagrande, Chiara Crisciani, Roberto Lambertini, Cecilia Panti, Michela Pereira, Anna Rodolfi e Silvana Vecchio. 2024. v,509 pp. (Micrologus Library, 120. SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo) (Br.) \20,119

63099.    [Bonaventura] Smith, Randall; Bonaventure's 'Journey of the Soul into God'. Context and Commentary. 2024-Sept. 450 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \33,649
63100.    [Richardus Rufus] Richard Rufus of Cornwall; Scriptum in Metaphysicam Aristotelis II: Zeta to Lambda. Edited by Neil Lewis, Jennifer Ottman, and Rega Wood. 2024-May. 976 pages. (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi. Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \53,295

63101.    [Meister Eckhart] Bork, Anja; Seele – Engel – Gott. Konturen der Rede vom Licht in Meister Eckharts volkssprachlichen Predigten. 2024-Jul. ca. 170 Seiten. (Mystik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, I,22. frommann-holzboog) (Br.) \11,825

63102.    [Dietrich von Freiberg] Dietrich von Freiberg; De visione beatifica / Über die beseligende Schau. Mit einer Einleitung, Anmerkungen und einem Glossar übersetzt und herausgegeben von Matthias Scherbaum. 2024. xxx,391 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 769. Felix Meiner Verlag) (Ln.) \20,240

63103.    [Ockham] William of Ockham; Dialogus Part 1, Book 6. Edited by George Knysh. 2023-Aug. 444 pages. (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi. Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \28,050

63104.    [Ockham] William of Ockham; Dialogus Part 1, Book 7. Edited by George Knysh. 2023-Aug. 378 pages. (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi. Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \28,050

63105.    [Ockham] William of Ockham; On Heretics, Books 1-5 and Against John, Chapters 5-16. Edited by John Kilcullen and John Scott. 2023-Nov. 496 pages. (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi. Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \32,252

63106.    [Buridan] Interpreting Buridan. Critical Essays. Edited by Spencer Johnston, Henrik Lagerlund. 2024-Feb. 264 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871

63107.    [Cusanus] Cusanus Today. Thinking with Nicholas of Cusa Between Philosophy and Theology. Edited by David Albertson, Foreword by Jean-Luc Marion. 2024-July. 370 pages. (Catholic University of America Press) (Hb.) \21,780

63108.    [Cusanus] Harries, Karsten; Nicholas of Cusa's On Learned Ignorance. A Commentary on De docta ignorantia. 2024-June. 480 pages. (Catholic University of America Press) (Hb.) \21,780

63109.    [Bartolomeo] Bartolomeo da Ferrara; Tractatus predicandus in ciuitate pestilenciata. Edizione critica a cura di Giovanni Paolo Maggioni. Introduzione a cura di Chiara Crisciani, Tommaso Duranti e Giovanni Paolo Maggioni. 2024. v,304 pages. 4 tavv. f.t. (Edizione Nazionale dei Testi Mediolatini d'Italia, 68. SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo) (Ril.) \18,711

63110.    [Galeotto Marzio] Galeotto Marzio; De doctrina promiscua. Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes by Eniko Bekes. 2024. v,321 pp. (Micrologus Library, 119. SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo) (Br.) \15,642

63111.    [Agostino Steuco] Steuco, Agostino; De Perenni Philosophia. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Günter Frank, übersetzt von Frank Böhling. 2024-May. 5 Bände, zus. 2400 Seiten. (Editionen zur Frühen Neuzeit, 5,1-5. frommann-holzboog) (Ln.) \295,185

63112.    [Erasmus] Domanski, Juliusz; Erasmus and Philosophy. On the Concept of Philosophy Developed by Erasmus of Rotterdam. Edited by Eli Kramer and Lucio Privitello. Translated by Grzegorz Czemiel, Krzysztof Bekieszczuk, and Michael Chase. 2024-Aug. (Philosophy as a Way of Life, 7. Brill) (Hb.) \40,106