
Modern Philosophy

63161.    Jameson, Fredric; The Years of Theory. Postwar French Thought to the Present. 2024-Oct. 554 pages. (Verso) (Pb.) \5,808
Analytic Philosophy
63162.    [Wittgenstein] Wittgenstein, Ludwig; Winer Ausgabe Band 10.2: Zettelsammlung aus den Synopsen der Manuskriptbände I bis X. Herausgegeben von Michael Nedo. Teilband 2. 2024. XX, 252 Seiten. (Vittorio Klostermann) (Ln.) \43,307

63163.    [Wittgenstein] Cerbone, David R.; Wittgenstein on Realism and Idealism. 2024-Apr. 80 pages. (Elements in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,972 / \14,619

63164.    [Wittgenstein] Christensen, Anne-Marie Søndergaard; Wittgenstein and Ethics. 2024-Mar. 246 pages. (Elements in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \4,972

63165.    [Wittgenstein] Guter, Eran; Wittgenstein on Music. 2024-Apr. 86 pages. (Elements in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,972 / \14,619

63166.    [Wittgenstein] The Creation of Wittgenstein. Understanding the Roles of Rush Rhees, Elizabeth Anscombe and Georg Henrik von Wright. Edited by Thomas H. Wallgren. 2023, 2024-Aug. 416 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb. / Hb.) \11,605 / \37,752

63167.    [Wittgenstein] Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. A Critical Guide. Edited by José L. Zalabardo. 2024-Mar. 246 pages. (Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871

63168.    Ways of the Scientific World-Conception. Rudolf Carnap and Otto Neurath. Edited by Christian Damböck, Johannes Friedl, and Ulf Höfer. 2024-Jul. viii, 372 pages. (Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie, 50. Brill) (Hb.) \37,433

63169.    [O. Neurath] Burke, Christopher / Tuboly, Adam Tamas; Otto Neurath in Britain. 2024-Oct. 350 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \21,945

63170.    [Carnap] Interpreting Carnap. Edited by Alan Richardson, Adam Tamas Tuboly. 2024-Febr. 324 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871

63171.    [B. Williams] Thomas, Alan; The Ethical Philosophy of Bernard Williams. 2024-Jun. 75 pages. (Elements in Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,972 / \14,619
German-Austrian Philosophy
63172.    [N. Hartmann] Hartmann, Nicolai; Das Wertproblem in der Philosophie der Gegenwart. Aufsätze zu Wert und Sinn. Herausgegeben von Moritz von Kalckreuth. 2024. xlviii,230 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 773. Felix Meiner Verlag) (Kt.) \7,755

63173.    [Cassirer] Cassirer, Ernst; Zur Metaphysik der symbolischen Formen. Herausgegeben von John Michael Krois unter Mitwirkung von Anne Appelbaum, Rainer A. Bast, Klaus Christian Köhnke und Oswald Schwemmer. 2024. xii,404 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 775. Felix Meiner Verlag) (Kt.) \6,974

63174.    [Cassirer] Truwant, Simon; Cassirer and Heidegger in Davos. The Philosophical Arguments. 2024-Mar. 274 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \4,972
Phenomenology - Existentialism - Structuralism
63175.    Phasis - Le corps / Il corpo. 2024-Ot. 268 pages. (European Journal of Philosophy. Inschibboleth Editions) (Br.) \4,862

63176.    [E. Stein] Tyler, Peter; The Living Philosophy of Edith Stein. 2023, 2024-Jul. 256 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb. / Hb.) \8,415 / \24,684

63177.    [W. Schapp] The Philosophy of Wilhelm Schapp. From Phenomenology to Jurisprudence and the Hermeneutics of Stories. Edited by Daniele De Santi, Daniele Nuccilli. 2025-Feb. 272 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \32,252

63178.    [Heidegger] Gadamer, Hans-Georg / Heidegger, Martin: Briefwechsel 1922–1976 und andere Dokumente. Aus den Nachlässen herausgegeben und kommentiert von Jean Grondin und Mark Michalski. 2024. xii,516 Seiten und 16 Seiten Abbildungen. (Vittorio Klosterman / Mohr Siebeck) (Gb.) \16,522

63179.    [Heidegger] Fynsk, Christopher; Heidegger's Turn To Art. The Uses of Rhythm. 2024-Dec. 240 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \32,252

63180.    [Heidegger] Thomson, Iain; Rethinking Death in and after Heidegger. 2024-July. 394 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \24,871

63181.    [Heidegger] Withy, Katherine; Heidegger on Being Affected. 2024-May. 208 pages. (Elements in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,972 / \14,619

63182.    [J.-P. Sartre] Sartre, Jean-Paul; Between Existentialism and Marxism. 20245-Jan. 304 pages. (Verso) (Pb.) \3,190

63183.    [S. Freud] Sigmund Freud as a Critical Social Theorist. Psychoanalysis and the Neurotic in Contemporary Society. Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri. 2024-DEC. 588 pages. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 305. Brill) (Hb.) \40,106

63184.    [J. Lacan] Penney, James; Genet, Lacan and the Ontology of Incompletion. 2024-Aug. 248 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb. / Hb.) \8,415 / \24,684

63185.    [E. Minkowski] Eugène Minkowski, de la psychiatrie à la cosmologie. Sous la direction de J-C. Gens, F. Hocini & M. Minkowski. 2024-Oct. 188 pages. (Les éditions des Compagnons d’humanité) (Br.) \3,883

63186.    [M. Foucault] Foucault avant Foucault. Phénoménologie, anthropologie et analyse existentielle. Sous la direction de Elisabetta Basso, Philippe Cabestan. 2024-Oct. 162 pages. (Collection Phéno. Le Cercle Herméneutique) (Br.) \4,367

63187.    [M. Foucault] Falzon, Christopher; Foucault and the History of Philosophical Transcendence. Freedom, Nature and Agency. 2024-Sep. 248 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \24,684

63188.    [M. Foucault] Michel Foucault. Entretiens radiophoniques, 1961-1983. Préface de Fr. Gros et H.-P. Fruchaud. Édition de H.-P. Fruchaud. 2024-Oct. 932 pages. (Flammarion / INA / Vrin) (Br.) \14,333

63189.    [Deleuze+Guattari] Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Post-Neoliberalism. Edited by Ananya Roy Pratihar, Saswat Samay Das, Emine Gorgul. 2024-Jul. 192 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \24,684

63190.    [Deleuze] Schreel, Louis; Deleuze and the Immanent Sublime. Idea and Individuation. 2024-Jul. 216 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \24,684
Social Political Ethical Philosophy - Marxism
63191.    [S. Weil] The Bloomsbury Handbook of Simone Weil. Edited by Lissa McCullough. 2025-APR. 416 pages. (Bloomsbury Handbooks. Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \36,465

63192.    [H. Arendt] Taraborrelli, Angela; Hannah Arendt and Cosmopolitanism. State, Community, Worlds in Common. 2024-Oct. 248 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \32,252

63193.    [M. Blanchot] Hart, Kevin; Maurice Blanchot on Poetry and Narrative. Ethics of the Image. 2024-Nov. 272 pages. (Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy and Poetry. Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb. / Hb.) \11,198 / \32,252

63194.    [Cahrles Taylor] Taylor, Charles; Cosmic Connections. Poetry in the Age of Disenchantment. 2024-May. 640 pages. (Harvard Univ. Press) (Hb.) \8,591

63195.    Amberger, Alexander; Dissident Marxism and Utopian Eco-Socialism in the German Democratic Republic. The Intellectual Legacies of Rudolf Bahro, Wolfgang Harich, and Robert Havemann. 2024-Feb. x,416 pages. (Historical Materialism Book Series, 306. Brill) (Hb.) \44,726

63196.    [G. Agamben] de Boer, Ype; Agamben's Ethics of the Happy Life. Beyond Nihilism and Morality. 2024-Sep. 232 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \24,684

63197.    Rose, Gillian; Marxist Modernism: Introductory Lectures on Frankfurt School Critical Theory. Edited by Robert Scott and James Gordon Finlayson. 2024-Aug. 224pages. (Verso) (Pb.) \5,038

63198.    [Th.W. Adorno] Adornos »Minima Moralia«. Herausgegeben von Helena Esther Grass und Stefan Müller-Dohm. 2024. 214 pages. (Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft (ZÄK), Sonderheft 25. Felix Meiner Verlag) (Kt.) \23,815

63199.    [W. Benjamin] Benjamin, Walter; Understanding Brecht. Introduced by Stanley Mitchell, translated byAnna Bostock. 2024-Aug. 144pages. (Walter Benjamin Classics. Verso) (Pb.) \4,367

63200.    [W. Benjamin] Eagleton, Terry; Walter Benjamin. Or, Towards a Revolutionary Criticism. 2024-Nov. 224 pages. (Verso) (Pb.) \3,190

63201.    [W. Banjamin] Walter Benjamin and Political Theology. Edited by Brendan Moran, Paula Schwebel. 2024-Jun. 272 pages. (Walter Benjamin Studies. Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \23,837

63202.    [J. Habermas] Thein, Christian; Habermas und die Genealogie nachmetaphysischen Denkens. 2024. 322 Seiten. (Blaue Reihe. ) (Kt.) \6,545