Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi
British Academy at Oxford University Press
60001.    Stephen Langton, Quaestiones Theologiae. Liber III, Volume 3. Edited by Magdalena Bieniak and Andrea Nannini. 2024-Jul. 624 pages.  (Hb.) \36,465

60002.    Richard Rufus of Cornwall; Scriptum in Metaphysicam Aristotelis II: Zeta to Lambda. Edited by Neil Lewis, Jennifer Ottman, and Rega Wood. 2024-May. 976 pages. (Hb.) \53,295

60003.    William of Ockham; On Heretics, Books 1-5 and Against John, Chapters 5-16. Edited by John Kilcullen and John Scott. 2023-Nov. 496 pages. (Hb.) \32,252

60004.    William of Ockham; Dialogus Part 1, Book 6. Edited by George Knysh. 2023-Aug. 444 pages. (Hb.) \28,050

60005.    William of Ockham; Dialogus Part 1, Book 7. Edited by George Knysh. 2023-Aug. 378 pages. (Hb.) \28,050

60006.    Richard Rufus of Cornwall. Scriptum in Metaphysicam Aristotelis: Alpha to Epsilon. Edited by Rega Wood, Neil Lewis, and Jennifer Ottman. 2022-May. 786 pages. (Hb.) \44,880

60007.    Stephen Langton, Quaestiones Theologiae. Liber III, Volume 2. Edited by Magdalena Bieniak, Marcin Trepczynski, and Wojciech Wciórka. 2022-Feb. 516 pages. (Hb.) \32,252

60008.    Adam of Bockenfield and his circle on Aristotle's De memoria et reminiscentia. Edited by Julie Brumberg-Chaumont and Dominique Poirel. 2021-Dec. 400 pages. (Hb.) \28,050

60009.    Stephen Langton's Prologues to the Bible. Edited by Mark Clark and Joshua Benson. 2021-Oct. 544 pages. (Hb.) \37,862

60010.    Stephen Langton, Quaestiones Theologiae. Liber III, Volume 1. Edited by Magdalena Bieniak and Wojciech Wciórka. 2021-Jan. 400 pages. (Hb.) \29,172

60011.    William Of Ockham Dialogus Part 1, Books 1-5. Edited by John Kilcullen and John Scott. 2020-Oct. 400 pages. (Hb.) \28,050

60012.    Robert Greystones on Certainty and Skepticism. Selections from His Works. Edited by Robert Andrews, Jennifer Ottman, and Mark Henninger. 2020-Mar. 587 pages. (Hb.) \40,667

60013.    William of Ockham, Dialogus. Part 3, Tract 2. Edited by Semih Heinen and Karl Ubl. 2019-Nov. 430 pages. (Hb.) \19,635

60014.    Roger Bacon. A Compendium of the Study of Philosophy. Edited by Thomas S. Maloney. 2018-Dec. 200 pages. (Hb.) \19,635

60015.    Richard Rufus. Sententia cum quaestionibus in libros De anima Aristotelis. Edited by Jennifer Ottman, Rega Wood, Neil Lewis, and Christopher J Martin. 2018-Sep. 768 pages. (Hb.) \36,465

60016.    John Wyclif. De scientia Dei. Edited by Luigi Campi. 2018-Jan. 350 pages. (Hb.) \25,245

60017.    Robert Grosseteste. On Free Decision. Edited by Neil Lewis. 2017-Oct. 450 pages. (Hb.) \25,245

60018.    Geoffrey of Aspall, Part 2. Questions on Aristotle's Physics. Edited by Sylvia Donati and Cecilia Trifogli. Translated by E. Jennifer Ashworth and Cecilia Trifogli. 2017-Jun. 550 pages. (Hb.) \28,050

60019.    Geoffrey of Aspall, Part 1. Questions on Aristotle's Physics. Edited by Sylvia Donati and Cecilia Trifogli. Translated by E. Jennifer Ashworth and Cecilia Trifogli. 2017-May. 700 pages. (Hb.) \37,862

60020.    Robert Greystones on the Freedom of the Will. Selections from his Commentary on the Sentences. Edited by Mark Henninger, Robert Andrews, and Jennifer Ottman. 2017-Feb. 400 pages. (Hb.) \28,050

60021.    Master Richard Sophista: Abstractiones. Edited by Sten Ebbesen, Mary Sirridge, and E. Jennifer Ashworth. 2016-Sep. 350 pages. (Hb.) \22,440

60022.    Robert Kilwardby, Notule libri Priorum, Part 2. Edited by Paul Thom and John Scott. 2016-Jan. 850 pages. (Hb.) \40,667

60023.    Robert Kilwardby, Notule libri Priorum, Part 1. Edited by Paul Thom and John Scott. 2016-Jan. 900 pages. (Hb.) \40,667

60024.    Stephen Langton, Quaestiones Theologiae. Liber I. Edited by Riccardo Quinto and Magdalena Bieniak. 2014-Sep. 400 pages. (Hb.) \28,050

60025.    John Blund. Treatise on the Soul. Second Edition. Edited by Michael Dunne and R. W. Hunt. 2012-Sep. 300 pages. (Hb.) \18,227

60026.    Richard Rufus of Cornwall: In Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione. Edited by Neil Lewis and Rega Wood. 2011-Oct. 350 pages. (Hb.) \22,440

60027.    William of Ockham: Dialogus. Part 2; Part 3, Tract 1. Edited by John Kilcullen, John Scott, Volker Leppin, and Jan Ballweg. 2011-Jun. 200 pages. (Hb.) \22,440

60028.    Thomas Wylton. On the Intellectual Soul. Edited by Lauge O. Nielsen, Cecilia Trifogli, and Translator Gail Trimble. 2010-Dec. 206 pages. (Hb.) \12,617

60029.    Henry of Harclay. Ordinary Questions, I-XIV. Edited by Mark G. Henninger. 2008-Aug. 738 pages. (Hb.) \33,660

60030.    Henry of Harclay. Ordinary Questions, XV-XXIX. Edited by Mark G Henninger. 2008-Aug. 492 pages. (Hb.) \30,855

60031.    Richard Rufus of Cornwall; In Physicam Aristotelis. Edited by Rega Wood. 2004-Jan. 320 pages. (Hb.) \19,635

60032.    The Works of Gilbert Crispin, Abbot of Westminster. Gilbert Crispin. Edited by Anna Sapir Abulafia and G. R. Evans. 1986-Dec. 288 pages. (Hb.) \18,227