Western Philosophy
63027. Michel, Sascha: Leere. Eine Kulturgeschichte. 2024. 242 pages. (Nexus, 110. Vittorio Klostermnn) \6,798
63028. La Création. Coordination de Philippe Touchet, participation de V. Alain, A. Bocquet, P. Cassou-Noguès, G. Demulier, L. Giassi, Chr. Giolito, V. Giraud, H. Rizk, Ph. Touchet, T. Ö. Úlfsson et F. Vengeon. 2024-Oct. 258 pages. (Vrin - Didac-Philo) (Br.) \6,072
63029. Living Bodies, Dead Bodies, and the Cosmos. Culturally Specific and Universal Concepts. Edited by Chiara Ferella, Tanja Pommerening, Ulrike Steinert. 2024-May. ca. 480 Seiten. (Ancient Cultures of Sciences and Knowledge. Mohr Siebeck) (Br.) \28,457
63030. The Unthinkable Body. Challenges of Embodiment in Religion, Politics, and Ethics. Edited by Rebekka A. Klein and Calvin D. Ullrich. 2024. vii,344 Seiten. (Religion in Philosophy and Theology, 130. Mohr Siebeck) (Br.) \26,488
63031. Nauta, Lodi; Philosophy and the Language of the People. The Claims of Common Speech from Petrarch to Locke. 2024-Apr. 281 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \5,555 / \8,767
63032. Chopra, Samir; Anxiety: A Philosophical Guide. 2024-Mar. 208 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Hb.) \6,270
63033. Deigh, John; An Introduction to Ethics. Expanded & Revised Second Edition. 2024-Jul. 300 pages. (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \8,767 / \23,397
63034. Chappell, Sophie Grace; A Philosopher Looks at Friendship. 2024-Jul. 208 pages. (A Philosopher Looks At. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \3,498
63035. DeCruz, Helen; Wonderstruck: How Wonder and Awe Shape the Way We Think. 2024-Mar. 232 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Hb.) \6,116
63036. Lefebvre, Alexandre; Liberalism as a Way of Life. 2024-Jun. 304 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Hb.) \6,556
63037. Sandis, Constantine; From Action to Ethics. A Pluralistic Approach to Reasons and Responsibility. 2024-Feb. 288 pages, 6 bw illus. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \24,497
63038. Swanton, Christine; Love and its Place in Virtue. 2024-Sep. 272 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \21,593
63039. Chevarie-Cossette, Simon-Pierre Nadeau, Christian; Qu’est-ce que la responsabilité? 2024-Dec. 128 pages. (Chemins Philosophiques. Vrin) (Br.) \6,028
63040. Becker, Matthias; Ehe, Familie und Agamie. Die Begründung von Lebensformen angesichts gesellschaftlicher Pluralität im Neuen Testament und heute. 2024. x,239 Seiten. (Mohr Siebeck) (Br.) \7,139
63041. Pégny, Maël; Éthique des algorithmes et de l’Intelligence Artificielle. 2024-Oct. 322 pages. (Vrin - Pour demain. Vrin) (Br.) \8,195
63042. Schmitt, Peter; Über Wahrheit im außerdigitalen Sinne. 2024. 179 Seiten. (Felix Meiner Verlag) (Kt.) \4,136
63043. Holgersen, Stâle; Against the Crisis. Economy and Ecology in a Burning World. 2024-Nov. 304 pages. (Verso) (Pb.) \5,808
63044. Jamieson, Dale; Ethics and the Environment. An Introduction. 2nd Edition. 2024-Jul. 240 pages. (Cambridge Applied Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \8,767 / \23,408
63045. Shue, Henry; The Pivotal Generation: Why We Have a Moral Responsibility to Slow Climate Change Right Now. 2022, 2024-Aug. 208 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,367 / \8,745
63046. Garcés, Marina; New Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy for a Common World. Translated by Julie Wark. 2024-June. 176 pages. (Verso) (Pb.) \5,709
63047. Gurisch, Simon; Die Verfassung des Lebens. Zir politischen Form der Vergesellschaftung durch Individuation bei J. Habermass und G.W.F. Hegel. 2024. 400 Seiten. (Klostermann Weiße Reihe. Vittorio Klosterman) (Kt.) \9,471
63048. Read, Jason; The Double Shift: Spinoza and Marx on the Politics of Work. 2024-Feb. 224 pages. (Verso) (Pb.) \5,709
63049. Capitalism and the New Political Unconscious. A Philosophy of Immanence. EDited by Fabio Vighi, Riccardo Panattoni. 2024-Oct. 232 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb. / Hb.) \11,198 / \32,252
63050. Shelby, Tommie; The Idea of Prison Abolition. 2022, 2024-Aug. 208 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,796 / \6,556
63051. Strohmaier, David / Messerli, Michael; Preference Change. 2024-Febr. 96 pages. (Elements in Decision Theory and Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb. / Hb.) \4,972 / \14,619
63052. Dahlbeck, Johan; Fictionalism: The Art of Teaching Truth Disguised as Lies. 2024-Jan. x,116 pages. (Brill Research Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences. Brill) (Pb.) \17,017
63053. Schnell, Alexander; Realität im Spiegel der Zeit. Die Philosophie von Black Mirror. 2024. 148 Seiten. (Nexus, 109. Vittorio Klosterman) (Kt.) \6,028
63054. The European Avant-Garde – A Hundred Years Later. Edited by Polona Tratnik. 2024-Jan. 320 pages. (Transcultural Aesthetics, 1. Brill) (Hb.) \42,537
63055. Controversy and Construction in Contemporary Aesthetics. Edited by Jie Wang, Zheng Shen, and Armida de la Garza. 2024-Jan. 308 pages. (Transcultural Aesthetics, 2. Brill) (Hb.) \43,021