
特集:SPINOZA ~著作と最近の研究文献~

56001.  Spinoza; Œuvres complètes. Édition et traduction par Bernard Pautrat. Avec la collaboration de Dan Arbib, Frédéric de Buzon, Denis Kambouchner, Peter Nahon, Catherine Secretan et Fabrice Zagury. 2020. 1952 pages. (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 108. Gallimard)  (Rl.) \20,295

56002. Spinoza, Baruch; Œuvres complètes. Édition établie et présentée par Thibaut Gress. Traduction de Charles Appuhn. 2019. 1440 pages. (Collection Bouquins. Robert Lafont) (Br.) \8,712

56003. Spinoza, Baruch; Oeuvres I: Premiers écrits. Publiées sous la direction de Pierre-François Moreau. Introduction de Pierre-François Moreau. Texte établi par Filippo Mignini, traduction par Michelle Beyssade et Joël Ganault. 2009. 480 pages. (Collection Épimethée. PUF) (Br.) \9,152

56004. Spinoza, Baruch; Oeuvres III: Traité théologico-politique. Texte latin, texte hébreu et traduction française.Texte établli par Fokke Akkerman. Traduction du latin et notes par Jacqueline Lagrée et Pierre-François Moreau. 2012. 864 pages. (Coll. Epiméthée. PUF) (Br.) \10,395

56005. Spinoza, Baruch; Oeuvres IV: Éthique. Établissement du texte par Fokke Akkerman et Piet Steenbakkers. Introduction et notes par Pierre-François Moreau et Piet Steenbakkers, avec annexes par Fabrice Audié, André Charrak et Pierre-François Moreau. Traduction par Pierre-François Moreau. 2020. 696 pages. (Coll. Epiméthée. PUF) (Br.) \7,172

56006. Spinoza, Baruch; Oeuvres V: Traité politique / Tractatus politicus. Publiées sous la direction de Pierre-François Moreau. Texte latin établi par Omero Proietti. Traduction, introduction, notes, glossaires, index et bibliographie par Charles Ramond. Notice de Pierre-François Moreau et notes d'Alexandre Matheron. 2005. 392 pages. (Collection Épimethée. PUF) (Br.) \8,778

56007. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 1: Kurze Abhandlung von Gott, dem Menschen und dessen Glück (Korte Verhandeling von God, de Mensch en des zelfs Welstant). Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. Vollständige Neuausgabe. 2014. xlii,148 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 91. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \4,917

56008. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 2: Ethik in geometrischer Ordnung dargestellt. Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. 1999, 4., durchgesehene und verbesserte Auflage 2015. xxxv,612 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 92. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \6,655

56009. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 3: Theologisch-politischer Traktat (Tractatus theologic-politico). Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Bartuschat. Neu übersetzt, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen. 2., verbesserte Auflage 2018. xlvi,388 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 93. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \6,160

56010. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 4: Descartes' Prinzipien der Philosophie in geometrischer Weise dargestellt (Renati Des Cartes Principiorum Philosophiae Pars I et II, More Geometrico demonstratae). Mit einem Anhang enthaltend Gedanken zur Metaphysik. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. 2005. xxxvii,202 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 94. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \5,665
56011.  Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 5a: Abhandlung über die Verbesserung des Verstandes (Tractatus de intellectus emendatione). Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt, herausgegeben, mit Einleitung und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. 2003. xliii,122 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 95a. Felix Meiner)  (Kt.) \4,180

56012. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 5b: Politischer Traktat (Tractatus politicus) Lateinisch-deutsch. Neu übersetzt, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Wolfgang Bartuschat. 2010. lii,248 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 95b. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \6,655

56013. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 6: Briefwechsel. Neu übersetzt, mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen von Wolfgang Bartuschat. 2017. xxviii,332 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 699. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \11,880

56014. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Band 7: Lebensbeschreibungen und Dokumente. Vermehrte Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben und mit Erläuterungen von Manfred Walther. Übersetzt der Lebensbeschreibungen von Carl Gebhardt. 1998. xv,329 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 96b. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \5,665

56015. Spinoza, Baruch de; Sämtliche Werke Ergänzungsband: Algebraische Berechnung des Regenbogens - Berechnung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten (Stelkonstige reeckening von den regenboog - Reeckening van kanssen). Niederländisch-deutsch. Übersetzt und mit Einleitung herausgegeben von Hans Christian Lucas und Michael John Petry. 1982. xlii,83 Seiten. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 350. Felix Meiner) (Kt.) \5,665

56016. Baruch de Spinoza, Tutte le Opere. Testi oroginali (latino e nederlandese) a fronte. Saggio introduttivo, presentazioni, note e apparati di Andrea Sangiacomo. Traduzioni di Mariaelena Buslacchi, Alessandro Dini, Gaetano Durante, Simona Follini e Andrea Sangiacomo. 2010. 2848 pagine (Il Pensiero Occidentale. Bompiani) (Rigida) \18,084

56017. The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume I and II. Edited and translated by E. Curley. One volume digital edition. 2016. (Princeton Univ. Press) (ebook) \16,907

56018. The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume I. Edited and translated by E. Curley. 1985. xx,727 pages. 34-illus. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Hb.) \12,397

56019. The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume II. Edited and translated by E. Curley. 2016. 792 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Hb.) \12,397

56020. Spinoza, Baruch; Complete Works. With the Translation of Samuel Shirley. Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Michael L. Morgan, 2002. 992 pages. (Hackett) (Hb.) \19,118
56021.  A Spinoza Reader. The Ethics and Other Works. Edited and translated by Edwin Curley. 1994. 352 pages. 3-line illus. (Princeton Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \6,743

56022. The Essential Spinoza. Ethics and Related Writings. Edited with Introduction by Michael L. Morgan, with the translations of Samuel Shirley. 2006. 360 pages. (Hackett Publishing) (Pb.) \5,566 / (Hb.) \12,342

56023. Spinoza, Baruch; De la droite manière de vivre. Traduit du latin et annoté par Jules Prat, suivi de Jules Prat, spinozisme militant par Bernard Pautrat. 2022. 112 pages. (Les arcanes de l’âge classique. Editions Allia) (Br.) \2,464

56024. Spinoza, Baruch; The Letters. Translated by Samuel Shirley, with Introduction and Notes by Steven Barbone, Lee Rice, and Jacob Adler. 1995. 414 pages. (Hackett Publishing) (Hb.) \8,470

56025. Spinoza, Baruch; Ethique. Traduction inédite du comte Henri de Boulainvilliers, publiée avec une introduction et des notes par F. Colonna d'Istria,...Date de l'édition originale : 1907. 2013. 419 pages. (Hachette BNF) (Br.) \7,084

56026. Spinoza, Baruch; Ethique. Edition bilingüe latin-français, présenté et traduit Bernard Pautrat. 2014. 720 pages. (Collection Essais. Seuil) (Br.) \3,795

56027. Spinoza, Benedetto; Etica. Testo latino a fronte. Traduzione di Gaetano Durante. Note di Giovanni Gentile, riveduto da Giorgio Badetti. 2007. 896 pagine. (Testi a fronte. Bompiani) (Br.) \7,227

56028. Spinoza, Benedictus de; Ethics. Translated by Edwin Curley, with an introduction by Stuart Hampshire. 2005. xix,186 pages. (Penguin Classics. Penguin) (Pb.) \3,377

56029. Spinoza's Ethics. Translated by George Eliot. Edited by Clare Carlisle 2020. 384 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,072

56030.  Spinoza: Ethics. Proved in Geometrical Order. Edited by Matthew Kisner, translated by Michael Silverthorne. 2018. 320 pages. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \21,274
56031.  Spinoza, B. de; Ethics. Translated and edited with an introduction and notes by G. H. R. Parkinson. 2000. 366 pages. (Oxford Philosophical Texts. Oxford Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \10,109

56032. Spinoza, Baruch; Ethics. with The Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect and Selected Letters. Edited by Seymour Feldman, Translated by Samuel Shirley. 1992. 304 pages. (Hackett Publishing) (Pb.) \3,872 / (Hb.) \10,648

56033. Spinoza, Benedictus de; Ethic. Demonstrated in Geometrical Order and Divided into Five Parts. Translated by W. Hale White. Reprint edition 1996. xcix,297 pages. (Kessinger) (Pb.) \8,668

56034. Spinoza, Baruch; Éthique. Traduit du latin et annoté par Jules Prat, Précédée d'une histoire du texte et suivi de Prat le traducteur par Bernard Pautrat. 2020. 304 pages. (Les arcanes de l’âge classique. Editions Allia) (Br.) \4,422

56035. Spinoza; Éthique. Annotations de Filip Buyse, Russ Leo, Giovanni Licata, Frank Mertens, Maxime Rovere et Stephen Zylstra. Édition et traduction de Maxime Rovere. 2021. 880 pages. (Collection Philosophie. Flammarion) (Br.) \8,657

56036. Spinoza, Baruch de; Abrégé de grammaire hébraïque. Introduction, traduction et notes critiques de Joël Askénazi et Jocelyne Askénazi-Gerson. 1987. 240 pages. (Bibliothèque des Textes Philosophiques. Vrin) (Br.) \7,084

56037. Spinoza, Baruch de; Traité de la réforme de l’entendement et de la meilleure voie à suivre pour parvenir à la vraie connaissance des choses. Établissement du texte, traduction et introduction par Bernard Rousset. 1991. 480 pages. (Bibliothèque des Textes Philosophiques. Vrin) (Br.) \11,385

56038. Spinoza, Baruch de; Traité de la réforme de l’entendement et de la meilleure voie à suivre pour parvenir à la vraie connaissance des choses. Établissement du texte, traduction et introduction par Bernard Rousset. 2002. 128 pages. (Bibliothèque des Textes Philosophiques – Poche. Vrin) (Br.) \2,464

56039. Spinoza; Traité de la réforme de l'entendement [Tractatus de intellectus emendatione]. Présentation et traduction de André Lécrivain. 2003. 224 pages. (Collection GF, 1171. Flammation) (Br.) \2,156

56040.  Spinoza, Baruch; Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento y otros Escritos. Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas de Lelio Fernándes y Jean Paul Margot. 2 ed. 2007. 144 pp. (Classicos del Pensamiento. Tecnos)  (Rus.) \4,213
 56041.  Spinoza, Benedictus de; L'opinione spesso induce in errore. Breve trattato su Dio, l'uomo e la sua felicita. Presentazione di Annalisa Ambrosio. 2022. 132 pagine. (Echi. Bompiani)  (Br.) \3,289

56042. The Correspondence of Spinoza. Edited and translated by A. Wolf. 2019, reissued of 1928 edition. 510 pages. (Routledge Library Editions: 17th Century Philosophy. Rutledge) (Pb.) \11,715 / (Hb.) \35,750

56043. Spinoza; Lettres sur le mal. Correspondance avec Blyenbergh. Traduction du néerlandais par Charles Appuhn. Dossier et notes réalisés par Mériam Korichi. Lecture d'image par Christian Hubert-Rodier. 2006. 160 pages. (Collection Folioplus philosophie, 80. Gallimard) (Br.) \2,310

56044. Spinoza; Correspondance. Présentation et traduction de Maxime Rovere. 2010. 464 pages. (Collection GF, 1438. Flammation) (Br.) \3,773

56045. Spinoza, Baruch; Political Treatise. Translated by Samuel Shirley. Prefatory Essay by Douglas Den Uyl. Introduction and Notes by Steven Barbone and Lee Rice. 2000, 2005. 210 pages. (Hackett Publishing) (Pb.) \4,114 / (Hb.) \8,470

56046. Spinoza, Baruch; The Principles of Cartesian Philosophy and Metaphysical Thoughts. Followed by Lodewijk Meyer; Inaugural Dissertation on Matter (1660). Translated by Samuel Shirley. With introduction and notes by Steven Barbone & Lee Rice. 1998. xxx,169p. (Hackett) (Pb.) \3,872 / (Hb.) \9,438

56047. Spinoza, Benedictus de; Trattato teologico-politico. Testo latino a fronte. A cura di Alessandro Dini. 2021. 800 pagine. (Testi a fronte. Bompiani) (Br.) \8,349

56048. Spinoza, B.; Trattato teologico-politico. Con testo latino a fronte, traduzione introduzione e commento a cura di Pina Totaro. 2007. 752 pp. (Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici. Classici del pensiero europeo, 1. Bibliopolis) (Br.) \17,710

56049. Spinoza; Theological-Political Treatise. Edited by Jonathan Israel. Translated by Michael Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel. 2007. 330 pages. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \16,610

56050.  Spinoza, Baruch; Theological-Political Treatise (Second Edition). Translated by Samuel Shirley. Introduction by Seymour Feldman. 2001. 296 pages. (Hackett Publishing)  (Pb.) \4,840
56051.  Spinoza, Baruch; Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise. Translated, with a Glossary, Indexes, and Interpretive Essay, by Martin D. Yaffe. 2004. 458 pages. (Focus Philosophical Library. Hackett Publishing)  (Pb.) \4,818 / (Hb.) \9,658

56052. Spinoza; Traité des autorités théologique et politique. Traduction du latin par Madeleine Francès. Notes de la traductrice. 1994. 384 pages. (Collection Folio essais, 242. Gallimard) (Br.) \2,992

56053. Spinoza to the Letter. Studies in Words, Texts and Books. Edited by Fokke Akkerman and Piet Steenbakkers. 2005. xiv,346 pp. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 137. Brill Academic Publishers) (Hb.) \28,336

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56054. Alexandre, Samuel; Spinoza et le temps. 2021. 150 pages. (Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre) (Br.) \3,289

56055. Ali, Tariq; The Trials of Spinoza. 2019. 61 pages, 1 DVD. (Seagull Books) (Pb.) \4,279

56056. Allison, Henry E.; An Introduction to the Philosophy of Spinoza. 2022. 310 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \5,533 / (Hb.) \16,027

56057. Amann, Francis; Ganzes und Teil. Wahrheit und erkennen bei Spinoza. 2000. 354 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 09. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \11,132

56058. Andermann, Kerstin; Die Macht der Affekte. Spinozas Theorie immanenter Individuation. 2020. 356 Seiten. (Paradeigmata, 40. Felix Meiner) (Gb.) \19,305

56059. Spinoza and Relational Autonomy. Being With Others. Edited by Aurelia Armstrong, Keith Green, Andrea Sangiacomo. 2019, 2021. 256 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,116 / (Hb.) \24,772

56060. Bagley, Paul; Philosophy, Theology, and Politics. A Reading of Benedict Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus. 2008. xiv,254 pages. (Supplements to The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 6. Brill) (Hb.) \36,179
56061.  Balibar, Etienne; Spinoza, the Transindividual. Translated by Mark G. E. Kelly. 2020. 224 pages. (Incitements. Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \6,116 / (Hb.) \29,150

56062. Balibar, Étienne; Spinoza politique. Le transindividuel. 2018. 480 pages. (Presses Universitaires de France) (Br.) \7,337

56063. Naturalism and Democracy. A Commentary on Spinoza's "Political Treatise" in the Context of His System. Edited by Wolfgang Bartuschat, Stephan Kirste, and Manfred Walther. Translated from Germangy by James Fontini. 2019. xii,182pp. (Brill) (Hb.) \43,769

56064. Spinoza, philosophe grammairien. Sous la direction de Jean Baumgarten, Irene Rosier-Catach et Pina Totaro. 2019. 298 pages. (CNRS Editions) (Br.) \6,325

56065. Beltran, Miquel; The Influence of Abraham Cohen de Herrera's Kabbalah on Spinoza's Metaphysics. 2016. xxi,431 pages. (The Iberian Religious World, 2. Brill) (Hb.) \47,311

56066. Bennett, Jonathan; A Study of Spinoza's Ethics. 1984. 406 pages. (Hackett Publishing) (Pb.) \4,356 / (Hb.) \9,680

56067. Bernstein, Richard J.; The Vicissitudes of Nature. From Spinoza to Freud. 2022. 300 pages. (Polity) (Pb.) \6,072 / (Hb.) \15,763

56068. Beyssade, Jean-Marie; Études sur Spinoza. 2023. 148 pages. (Presses universitaires de Rennes) (Br.) \4,554

56069. Bloksma, Nanne; Spinoza, a Miraculously Healthy Philosopher. 2018. 53 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 113. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56070.  Ein neuer Blick auf die Welt. Spinoza in Literatur, Kunst uns Ästhetik. Herausgegeben von Martin Bollacher, Thomas Kisser, Manfred Walther. 2009. 210 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 15. Königshausen & Neumann)  (Kt.) \10,065

56071.  Bolduc, Carl R.;  Spinoza et l'approache éthique du problème de la libération. Critique du théologico-politique. 2009. 386 pages. (Europeae Memoria, Series I-63. Georg Olms)  (Kt.) \12,595

56072. Boros, G.; The “Secularization” of Religious Emotions in Spinoza. Hope and Fear, Love, and Generosity. 2007. 25 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 89. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56073. Bostrenghi, Daniela; Forme e virtu dellfimmaginazione in Spinoza. 1996. 220 pp. (Serie Studi. Bibliopolis) (Br.) \5,313

56074. Braun, Roland; Metaphysik und Methode bei Spinoza. Eine problemorientierte Darstellung der 'Ethica ordine geometrico demonstratae'. 2017. 437 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \12,595

56075. Büttner, Stefan; Gott und Raum. Spinozas innovative Konzeption der Ausdehnung und Körperwelt. 2011. 250 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 15. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \10,626

56076. The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza. Edited by Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Piet Steenbakkers, Jeroen M.M. van de Ven. 2014. 400 pages. (Bloomsbury Companions. Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb.) \10,197

56077. The Continuum Companion to Spinoza. Edited by Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Piet Steenbakkers, Jeroen van de Ven, 2011. xv,380 pages. (Bloomsbury Companions. Continuum / Bloomsbury) (Hb.) \55,385

56078. Buzon, Frédéric de; Spinoza et Descartes. Sur la seconde partie ses Principia Philosophiæ Cartesianæ. 2022. 44 pages. (Bulletin de la Société Française de Philosophie. Société Française de Philosophie) (Br.) \2,783

56079. Spinoza y la Antropología en la Modernidad. Ed. por Maria Luisa de la Cámara, Julián Carvajal. 2017. 407 pages. (Europaea Memoria, Reihe I: Studien, 123. Georg Olms) (Pb.) \15,125

56080. Spinoza and Law. Edited by Andre Santos Campos. Contributors: Huntington Cairns, Hans Gribnau, Roberto Ciccarelli, Benoit Frydman, Errol E. Harris, Edwin Curley, Aaron Garrett, Matthew J. Kisner, Gérard Courtois, Otto Pfersmann, Donald Rutherford, André Santos Campos, Diogo Pires Aurélio, Gail Belaief, Manfred Walther, G.A. van der Wal, Paolo Cristofolini, David West, Theo Verbeek, Justin D. Steinberg. 2015. 442 pages. (Philosophers and Law. Routledge) (Hb.) \58,300
56081.  Caporali, Riccardo; Spinoza's Political Philosophy. The Factory of Imperium. Translated by Fabio Gironi. 2021. 240 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \24,772

56082. Carlisle, Clare; Spinoza's Religion. A New Reading of the Ethics. 2021, paperback reissued 2023.06. 288 pages, 2 b/w illus. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb.) \5,544 / (Hb.) \7,238

56083. Connelly, Stephen; Spinoza, Right and Absolute Freedom. 2016. 256 pages. (Birkbeck Law Press) (Pb.) \13,112 / (Hb.) \36,432

56084. Cook, J. Thomas; Spinoza's 'Ethics'. A Reader's Guide. 2007. 184 pages. (Reader's Guides. Continuum / Bloomsbury) (Pb.) \6,402 / (Hb.) \32,065

56085. Cortes, Juan Vicente; La notion de jouissance chez Spinoza. Essai de reconstruction conceptuelle. 2019. 172 pages. (Publications de la Sorbonne) (Br.) \4,807

56086. Curley, Edwin M.; Bayle vs. Spinoza on Toleration. 2009. 30 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 95. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56087. Curley, Edwin; Behind the Geometrical Method. A Reading of Spinoza's Ethics. 1988. xxi,175 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb.) \8,470

56088. Spinoza. Issues and Directions. Proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference, 1986. Edited by Edwin Curley and Pierre-François Moreau. 1990. xix,404 pages. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 14. E.J. Brill) (Hb.) \33,902

56089. Czelinski-Uesbeck, Michael; Der tugendhafte Atheist. Studien zur Vorgeschichte der Spinoza-Renaissance in Deutschland. 2007. 244 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 13. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \8,800

56090.  Dahlbeck, Johan; Education and Free Will. Spinoza, Causal Determinism and Moral Formation. 2019, 2020. 150 pages. (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education. Rutledge)  (Pb.) \11,649 / (Hb.) \37,895

56091.  Dahlbeck, Moa De Lucia; Spinoza, Ecology and International Law. Radical Naturalism in the Face of the Anthropocene. 2020. 196 pages. (Law, Justice and Ecology. Rutledge)  (Pb.) \10,780 / (Hb.) \34,980

56092. Dahlbeck, Johan; Spinoza and Education. Freedom, understanding and empowerment. 2018. 208 pages. (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education. Routledge) (Pb.) \11,649

56093. Damasio, Antonio; Looking for Spinoza. Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain. 2003. viii,356 pages. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) (Pb.) \4,587

56094. DeBrabander, Firmin; Spinoza and the Stoics. Power, Politics and the Passions. 2007, 2009. 160 Pages. (Continuum Studies in Philosophy. Continuum) (Pb.) \10,780 / (Hb.) \34,980

56095. de Jonge, Eccy; Reinstating the infinite: Arne Naess and the misappropriation of Spinoza’s God. 2003. 24 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 86. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56096. de Jonge, Eccy; Spinoza and Deep Ecology. Challenging Traditional Approaches to Environmentalism. 2004, 2016. 192 pages. (Rutledge) (Pb.) \13,695 / (Hb.) \34,980

56097. Spinoza et les passions du social. Sous la direction de Eva Debray, Frederic Lordon et Kim Sang Ong van Cung. 2019. 360 pages. (Amsterdam) (Br.) \5,566

56098. Deleuze, Gilles; Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza. Translated by Martin Joughin. 1992. 446 pages. (Zone Books) (Pb) \7,216

56099. Del Lucchese, Filippo; Conflict, Power, and Multitude in Machiavelli and Spinoza. Tumult and Indignation. 2011. 224 pages. (Continuum Studies in Philosophy. Continuum / Bloomsbury) (Pb.) \10,780

56100.  Della Rocca, Michael; Points of View and the Two-Fold Use of the Principle of Sufficient Reason in Spinoza. 2014. 28 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 94. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis)  (Pb.) \4,554
56101.  Della Rocca, Michael; Representation and the Mind-Body Problem in Spinoza. 1996. 240 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \32,252

56102. Della Rocca, Michael; Spinoza. 2008. 360 pages. (Routledge Philosophers. Routledge) (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \37,895

56103. Deleuze, Gilles; Spinoza. immortalité et éternité. Première parution en 2001, contient 1 CD audio au format mp3. 2001, Nouvelle édition en 2019. (Collection Écoutez lire. Gallimard) (Br.) \5,225

56104. Spinoza et Leibniz: réception et usages croisés dans la pensée moderne et contemporaine. Sous la direction de Thomas Detcheverry, Arnaud Lalanne. 2021. 301 pages. (Lumières, 37/38. Presses universitaires de Bordeaux) (Br.) \10,120

56105. Deveaux, Sherry; The Role of God in Spinoza's Metaphysics. 2007. 160 pages. (Continuum Studies in Philosophy. Continuum / Bloomsbury) (Pb.) \43,725

56106. Dobbs-Weinstein, Idit; Spinoza's Critique of Religion and its Heirs. Marx, Benjamin, Adorno. 2015. 290 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \22,726

56107. Douglas, Alexander; The Philosophy of Hope. Beatitude in Spinoza. 2023.07. 184 pages. (Rutledge) (Pb.) \10,285 / (Hb.) \37,180

56108. Douglas, Alexander X.; Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism. 2015. 194 Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \12,903

56109. Field, Sandra Leonie; Potentia. Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics. 2020. 312 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Pb.) \5,555 / (Hb.) \17,963

56110.  Fischbach, Franck; Marx with Spinoza. Production, Alienation, History. Translated by Jason Read. 2023.06. 168 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \23,320
56111.  Spinoza and German Idealism. Edited by Eckart Forster, Yitzhak Y. Melamed. Contributors: Michael Della Rocca, Omri Boehm, Karl Ameriks, Michael Forster, Eckart Forster, Allen Wood, Johannes Haag, Dalia Nassar, Michael Vater, Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Dean Moyar, Gunnar Hinricks, Fred Beiser, Don Garrett 2015. 298 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \20,691

56112. Frank, Daniel / Waller, Jason; Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Spinoza on Politics. 2015. 198 pages. (Routledge Philosophy GuideBooks. Rutledge) (Pb.) \6,567 / (Hb.) \28,600

56113. Freedom, Action, and Motivation in Spinozafs "Ethics". Edited By Noa Naaman-Zauderer. 2019, 2021. 268 pages. (Routledge Studies in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. Rutledge) (Pb.) \11,143 / (Hb.) \37,180

56114. Fresco, M.F. / Hammacher, K.; Hemsterhuis und seine Stellungnahme zu Spinoza. Spinoza in der Sicht von Hemsterhuis / Hemsterhuis und Spinoza. 2003. 43 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 85. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56115. Fukuoka, Atsuko; The Sovereign and the Prophets. Spinoza on Grotian and Hobbesian Biblical Argumentation. 2018. 444 pages. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 268. Brill) (Hb.) \38,203

56116. The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza. Second edition. Edited by Don Garrett. 2022. 481 pages. (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \7,865 / (Hb.) \23,309

56117. Garrett, Aaron V.; Meaning in Spinoza's Method. 2003, 2007. 256 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \10,483 / (Hb.) \20,691

56118. Garrett, Don; Nature and Necessity in Spinoza's Philosophy. 2018. 552 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \14,927

56119. Garver, Eugene; Spinoza and the Cunning of Imagination.
2018. 320 pages. (Univ. of Chicago Press) (Hb.) \13,299

56120.  Gatens, Moira; Benedict Spinoza and George Eliot: Daniel Deronda as Heretical Text. 2015. 20 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 99. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis)  (Pb.) \4,554
56121.  Gatens, Moira/ Lloyd, Genevieve; Collective Imaginings. Spinoza, Past and Present. 1999. 184 pages. (Routledge)  (Pb.) \13,112 / (Hb.) \37,895

56122. Spinoza nel 350 anniversario della nascita. Atti del Congresso (Urbino 4-8 ottobre 1982). A cura di E. Giancotti. 1985. 542 pp. (Saggi Bibliopolis. Bibliopolis) (Ril.) \13,156

56123. Giancotti, Emilia; Studi su Hobbes e Spinoza. A cura di D. Bostrenghi, C. Santinelli. 1996. 408 pp. (Serie Studi. Bibliopolis) (Br.) \6,578

56124. Hagemeier, Martin; Zur Vorstellungskraft in der Philosophie Spinozas. 2012. 214 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 16. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \8,800

56125. Hallett, H.F.; Benedict de Spinoza. The Elements of His Philosophy. 2013. 171 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic Collections: Philosophy. Bloomsbury Academic) (Hb.) \40,810

56126. Baruch de Spinoza: Ethik in geometrischer Ordnung dargestellt. Herausgegeben von Michael Hampe und Robert Schnepf. 2006. ix,332 S. (Klassiker Auslegen, 31. Akademie Verlag) (Br.) \6,303

56127. Hampshire, Stuart; Spinoza and Spinozism. 2005. 266 pages. (Clarendon Press) (Pb.) \9,735 / (Hb.) \26,565

56128. Spinoza's Ethics. A Collective Commentary. Edited by Michael Hampe, Ursula Renz and Robert Schnepf. 2011. xiv,380 pp. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 196. Brill) (Hb.) \43,516

56129. Zur Aktualität der Ethik Spinozas. Herausgegeben von Klaus Hammacher, Irmela Reimer-Tovote, Manfred Walther. 2000. 494 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 07. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \11,132

56130. Handwerker-Küchenhoff, Barbara; Spinozas Theorie der Affekte.Kohärenz und Konflikt. 2006. 216 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \8,800
56131.  Henry, Michel; Le Bonheur de Spinoza. Suivi de Etude sur le spinozisme de Michel Henry par Jean-Michel Longneaux. 2004. 464 pp. (Epimethée. PUF)  (Br.) \9,361

56132. Speculum Spinozanum, 1677-1977. Edited By Siegfried Hessing. 2021, reprint of 1978 edition. 624 pages. (Routledge Library Editions: 17th Century Philosophy. Routledge) (Pb.) \12,529 / (Hb.) \49,555

56133. Die Macht der Menge. Über die Aktualität einer Denkfigur Spinozas. Herausgegeben von Gunnar Hindrichs. 2006. 202 Seiten. (Beiträge zur Philosophie, Neue Folge. Universitätsverlag Winter) (Gb.) \9,867

56134. Spinoza. Theologisch-politischer Traktat. Herausgegeben von Ottfried Höffe. 2013. ix,279 Seiten. (Klassiker Auslegen, 54. Akademie Verlag) (Pb.) \6,303

56135. Hornäk, Sarah; Spinoza und Vermeer. Immanenz in Philosophie und Malerei. 2004. 270 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 11. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \10,065

56136. Interpreting Spinoza. Critical Essays. Edited by Charlie Huenemann. Contributors: Don Garrett, Michael Della Rocca, Steven Nadler, Michael V. Griffin, Charlie Huenemann, Michael A. Rosenthal, Susan James, Tom Sorell, Daniel Garber. 2008, 2013. 208 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \10,483 / (Hb.) \20,691

56137. Huenemann, Charlie; Spinoza's Radical Theology. The Metaphysics of the Infinite. 2013. 160 pages. (Routledge) (Pb.) \10,197 / (Hb.) \34,980

56138. Israel, Jonathan I.; Spinoza, Life and Legacy. 2023.07. 1,360 Pages, 63 images. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \8,855

56139. James, Susan; Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics. The Theologico-Political Treatise. 2012, 2014. 360Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Pb.) \8,085 / (Hb.) \13,662

56140.  James, Susan; Spinoza on Learning to Live Together. 2020. 240 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press)  ( Hb.) \15,433

56141.  Jaquet, Chantal; Affects, Actions and Passions in Spinoza. The Unity of Body and Mind. Translated by Tatiana Reznichenko. 2018, 2019. 176 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \29,150

56142. Jaquet, Chantal; From Parallelism to Equality. The Nature of the Union of Mind and Body in Spinoza. 2013. 44 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 104. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56143. Obéissance et rébellion chez Spinoza. Sous la direction de Chantal Jaquet. 2021. 128 pages. (Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 295, 1/2021. Groupe Boeck s.a.) (Br.) \8,855

56144.  Spinoza transatlantique. Les interprétations américaines actuelles. Sous la direction de Chantal Jaquet, Pierre-François Moreau et Pascal Sévérac. 2020. 348 pages. (Publications de la Sorbonne)  (Br.) \5,819

56145. Jarrett, Charles; Spinoza: A Guide for the Perplexed. 2007. 240 pages. (Guides for the Perplexed. Continuum / Bloomsbury) (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \34,980

56146. Jelles, Jarig; Préface aux Œuvres posthumes de Spinoza. Traduit du néerlandais par Louis Mayer. Traduit du latin et précédé de "Le salute per l'Éthique " par Bernard Pautrat. 2017. 192 pages. (Les arcanes de l’âge classique: Le nouvel instrument intellectuel. Editions Allia) (Br.) \1,958

56147. Jobani, Yuval; The Role of Contradictions in Spinoza's Philosophy. The God-intoxicated heretic. 2016, 2019. 212 pages, 1 b/w illius. (Routledge Jewish Studies Series. Rutledge) (Pb.) \11,143 / (Hb.) \35,750

56148. Juffé, Michel; Sigmund Freud - Benedictus de Spinoza. Correspondance 1676-1938.
2016. 336 pages. (Collection Connaissance de l'Inconscient. Gallimard) (Br.) \6,809

56149. Essays on Spinoza's Ethical Theory. Edited by Matthew J. Kisner and Andrew Youpa. 2014. 298 Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \22,011

56150.  Kisner, Matthew J.; Spinoza on Human Freedom. Reason, Autonomy and the Good Life. 2013. 274 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \10,483 / (Hb.) \20,691
56151.  Spinoza in Soviet Philosophy. A Series of Essays. Edited By George L. Kline. 2021, reissuede of 1952 edition. 200 pages. (Routledge Library Editions: 17th Century Philosophy. Rutledge)  (Pb.) \8,151 / (Hb.) \26,224

56152. The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. Edited by Olli Koistinen. Contributors: Ollie Koistinen, Valtteri Viljanen, Piet Steenbakkers, Andreas Schmidt, Jon Miller, Charles Jarrett, Diane Steinberg, Michael LeBuffe, Susan James, Andrew Youpa, Martin Lin, Don Garrett. 2009. x,323 pages. (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \7,568 / (Hb.) \22,737

56153. Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. Edited by Olli I. Koistinen and John I. Biro. 2002. 266 Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \29,722

56154. Spinoza’s Authority Volume I: Resistance and Power in Ethics. Edited by A. Kiarina Kordela, Dimitris Vardoulakis. 2017, 2019. 224 pages. ( Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb.) \9,614 / (Hb.) \32,065

56155. Spinoza’s Authority Volume II: Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises. Edited by A. Kiarina Kordela, Dimitris Vardoulakis. 2017, 2019. 208 pages. ( Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy. Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb.) \9,614 / (Hb.) \32,065

56156. Kriegel, Blandine; Spinoza, l’autre voie. 2018. 512 pages. (Collection Idées. Les éditions du Cerf) (Br.) \6,325

56157. Kriegel, Blandine; Spinoza. L'autre voie. 2021. 512 pages. (Collection Idées. Eds. du Cerf) (Br.) \2,904

56158. Laerke, Mogens; Leibniz and Spinoza. 2016. 31 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 111. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56159. Lærke, Mogens; Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing. 2021. 400 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) ( Hb.) \22,264

56160.  Laux, Henri; Imagination et religion chez Spinoza. La potentia dans l’histoire. 1993. 320 pages. (Bibliothèque d'Histoire de la Philosophie. Vrin)  (Br.) \9,867
56161.  Laux, Henri; Spinoza et le christianisme. 2022. 224 pages. (Presse Universitaire de France)  (Br.) \4,807

56162. Spinoza et la poltique de la multitude. Sous la direction de Sonja Lavaert et Pierre-François Moreau. 2021. 296 pages. (Éditions Kimé) (Br.) \6,325

56163. Legeay, Vincent; « Être apte » chez Spinoza. Histoire et significations. 2020. 414 pages. (Classiques Garnier) (Br.) \8,096

56164. Levene, Nancy K.; Spinoza's Revelation. Religion, Democracy, and Reason. 2009. 280 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \10,483 / (Hb.) \19,822

56165. Lloyd, Genevieve; Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Spinoza and The Ethics. 1996. 176 pages. (Routledge Philosophy Guidebooks. Routledge) (Pb.) \7,282 / (Hb.) \27,687

56166. Lloyd, Genevieve; Spinoza and the Idea of the Secular. 2013. 22 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 102. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56167. Spinoza. Critical Assessements. Edited by Genevieve Lloyd. 2001. 4volumes, 1600 pages. (Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers. Routledge) (Hb.) \131,175

56168. Spinoza Beyond Philosophy. Edited by Beth Lord. Contributors: Caroline Williams, Michael Mack, Anthony Paul Smith, Peg Rawes, Amy Cimini, Lance Brewer, Christina Rawls, Shelley Campbell, Mateusz Janik, Dimitris Vardoulakis, Nick Nesbitt, Simon Calder, Nicholas Halmi. 2012, 2015. 224 pages. (Edinburgh Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \26,235

56169. Lord, Beth; Spinoza's Ethics. An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide. 2010. 192 pages. (Edinburgh Univ. Press) (Pb.) \4,653 / (Hb.) \29,073

56170.  Spinoza's Philosophy of Ratio. Edited by Beth Lord. Contributors: Valtteri Viljanen, Michael LeBuffe, Heidi M. Ravven, Timothy Yenter, Beth Lord, Simon B. Duffy, Gökhan Kodalak, Peg Rawes, Stefan White, Hélène Fricho, Anthony Uhlmann. 2018. 192 pages. (Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \24,772
56171.  LeBuffe, Michael; Spinoza's Ethics. A Guide. 2022, 2023.06. 312 Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press)  ( Pb.) \5,049 / (Hb.) \17,963

56172. LeBuffe, Michael; Spinoza on Reason. 2017. 240 Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \18,216

56173. Macherey, Pierre; Introduction à l'éthique de Spinoza. La première partie: la nature des choses. 1998. viii,360 pages. (Les Grands livres de la philosophie. PUF) (Br.) \4,994

56174. Macherey, Pierre; Introduction à l'éthique de Spinoza. La troisième partie: la vie affective. 2e ed. 1998. viii,416 pages. (Les Grands livres de la philosophie. PUF) (Br.) \5,764

56175. Macherey, Pierre; Introduction à l'éthique de Spinoza. La quatrième partie: la condition humaine. 1997. viii,440 pages. (Les Grands livres de la philosophie. PUF) (Br.) \6,193

56176. Macherey, Pierre; Introduction à l'éthique de Spinoza. La cinquième partie: les voies de la libération. 2e ed. 1997. vi,234 pages. (Les Grands livres de la philosophie. PUF) (Br.) \4,994

56177. Mack, Michael; Spinoza and the Specters of Modernity. The Hidden Enlightenment of Diversity from Spinoza to Freud. 2010. 232 pages. (Continuum / Bloomsbury) (Pb.) \10,780 / (Hb.) \43,725

56178. Marshall, Eugene; The Spiritual Automaton. Spinoza's Science of the Mind. 2014. 258 Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \14,674

56179. Mason, Richard; The God of Spinoza. A Philosophical Study. 1999. 288 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \10,483

56180.  Mason, Richard; Spinoza: Logic, Knowledge and Religion. 2007, 2016. 206 pages. (Rutledge)  (Pb.) \13,695 / (Hb.) \36,432
56181.  Politics, Ontology and Knowledge in Spinoza. Essays by Alexandre Matheron. Translated by David Maruzzella, Gil Morejon, Eeited by Filippo Del Lucchese, David Maruzzella, Gil Morejon. 2020, 2022. 424 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \8,734 / (Hb.) \26,235

56182. Matysik, Tracie; When Spinoza Met Marx. Experiments in Nonhumanist Activity. 2023. 368 pages. (Univ. of Chicago Press) (Hb.) \9,680

56183. Méchoulan, Henry; Spinoza démasqué. 2022. 416 pages. (Les éditions du Cerf) (Br.) \6,325

56184. Melamed, Yitzhak Y.; Spinoza's Metaphysics. Substance and Thought. 2015. 256 Pages, contains 2 illustrations. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Pb.) \9,603 / (Hb.) \20,240

56185. Spinoza's Ethics'. A Critical Guide. Edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed. 2017, 2019. xii,346 pages, 17 b/w illus. (Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,699 / (Hb.) \24,475

56186. Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise'. A Critical Guide. Edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Michael A. Rosenthal. Contributors: Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Michael Rosenthal, Edwin Curley, Piet Steenbakkers, Zev Harvey, Daniel J. Lasker, Jonathan Israel, Donald Rutherford, Michael Della Rocca, Don Garrett, Justin Steinberg, Susan James. 2010, 2013. 308 pages. (Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \7,282 / (Hb.) \20,691

56187. Spinoza's Political Treatise. A Critical Guide. Edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Hasana Sharp. Contributors: Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Hasana Sharp, Michael A. Rosenthal, Julie E. Cooper, Moira Gatens, Susan James, Chantal Jacquet, Mogens Laerke, Daniel Garber, Theo Verbek, Justin Steinberg, Filippo Del Lucchese. 2018, 2020. 230 pages. (Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,985 / (Hb.) \23,023

56188. The Young Spinoza. A Metaphysician in the Making. Edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed. 2015. 384 Pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Pb.) \8,217 / (Hb.) \26,565

56189. Miller, Ian; Clinical Spinoza. Integrating His Philosophy with Contemporary Therapeutic Practice. 2022. 342 pages. (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series. Routledge) (Pb.) \10,780 / (Hb.) \37,895

56190.  Miller, Jon; Spinoza and the Stoics. 2018. 248 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \6,985 / (Hb.) \21,560
56191.  Misrahi, R.; La place du Désir dans la philosophie eudémoniste de Spinoza. 2002. 15 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 84. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis)  (Pb.) \4,554

56192. Moder, Gregor; Hegel und Spinoza. Negativität in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie. Aus dem Slowenischen von Alfred Leskovec. 2012. 220 Seiten. (Turia + Kant) (Br.) \5,566

56193. The New Spinoza. Edited by Warren Montag and Ted Stolze. Contributors: Gabriel Albiac, Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar, Gilles Deleuze, Emilia Giancotti, Luce Irigaray, Pierre Macherey, Alexandre Matheron, Pierre-François Moreau, Antonio Negri, and André Tosel. Translated by Ted Stolze. 1998. 512 pages. (Theory Out of Bounds Series, 11. Univ. of Minnesota Press) (Pb.) \6,776

56194. Spinoza. Ricerche e prospettive. Per una storia dello Spinozismo in Italia, a cura di Daniela Bostrenghi e Cristina Santinelli. 2007. 710 pp. (Bibliopolis) (Br.) \17,710

56195. Montano, Aniello; Ontologia e storia. Vico versus Spinoza. 2015. 230 pp. (Serie Studi. Bibliopolis) (Br.) \5,060

56196. Moreau, Pierre-François; Experience and Eternity in Spinoza. Edited and translated by Robert Boncardo. 2021, 2022. 688 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press) (Pb.) \8,734 / (Hb.) \46,640

56197. Morfino, Vittorio; Plural Temporality. Transindividuality and the Aleatory Between Spinoza and Althusser. 2014. xvi,187 pages. (Historical Materialism Book Series, 69. Brill) (Hb.) \30,613

56198. Morfino, Vittorio; The Spinoza-Machiavelli Encounter. Time and Occasion. Translated by Dave Mesing. 2018, 2020. 256 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,116 / (Hb.) \24,772

56199. Spinoza et les arts. Sous la direction de Pierre François Moreau et Lorenzo Vinciguerra. 2020. 294 pages. (L’Harmattan) (Br.) \7,590

56200.  Spinoza en Angleterre. Sciences et réflexions sur les sciences. Édité par Pierre-François Moreau, Andrea Sangiacomo, Luisa Simonutti. 2022. 215 pages. (The Age of Descartes, 7. Brepols)  (Hb.) \18,975
56201.  Morejón, Gil; The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume. 2022. 216 pages. (Cycles. Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \24,772

56202. Nadler, Steven; A Book Forged in Hell. Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age. 2013. 304 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb.) \4,334

56203. Nadler, Steven; Spinoza’s Theory of Divine Providence. Rationalist Solutions, Jewish Sources. 2005. 30 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 87. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56204. Nadler, Steven; Spinoza's Heresy. Immortality and the Jewish Mind. 2001, 2004. 244 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Pb.) \10,362 / (Hb.) \24,035

56205. Nadler, Steven; Spinoza. A Life. 2nd Edition. 2018, 2023.02. 458 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,116 / (Hb.) \8,448

56206. Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy. Edited by Steven Nadler. Contributors: Steven Nadler, Jacob Adler, Charles Manekin, T. M. Rudavsky, Steven Frankel, Warren Zev Harvey, Kenneth Seeskin, Heidi Ravven, Julie R. Klein, Yitzhak Y. Melamed. 2014, 2018. 247 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \6,985 / (Hb.) \20,977

56207. Nadler, Steven; Spinoza's 'Ethics'. An Introduction. 2006. 304 pages. (Cambridge Introductions to Key Philosophical Texts. Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \8,734 / (Hb.) \19,228

56208. Nadler, Steven; Think Least of Death. Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die. 2020. 248 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) / (Hb.) \9,658

56209. Negri, Antonio; Spinoza: une hérésie de l’immanence et de la démocratie. 2009. 17 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 97. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56210.  Newlands, Samuel; Reconceiving Spinoza. 2018. 294 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \15,686
56211.  Nyden-Bullock, Tammy; Spinoza's Radical Cartesian Mind. 2007. 176 pages. (Continuum Studies in Philosophy. Continuum)  (Pb.) \49,555

56212. Pätzold, D.; Spinozas Politiktheorie und das Streben nach Selbsterhaltung. 2007. 26 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 92. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56213. Piorczynski, Jozef; Der Pantheismusstreit. Spinozas Weg zur deutschen Philosophie und Kultur. 2019. 320 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \11,330

56214. Pouy, Jean-Bernard; Trilogie spinoziste. 2020. 352 pages. (Collection Folio policier, 917. Gallimard) (Br.) \2,992

56215. Preus, J. Samuel; Spinoza and the Irrelevance of Biblical Authority. 2001, 2009. 248 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \10,197 / (Hb.) \19,822

56216. Renz, Ursula; The Explainability of Experience. Realism and Subjectivity in Spinoza's Theory of the Human Mind. 2018. 328 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \14,927

56217. The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza. Edited by Michael Della Rocca. 2017, 2022. 712 Pages. (Oxford Handbooks. Oxford Univ. Press) ( Pb.) \9,097 / (Hb.) \27,830

56218. Roth, Leon; Spinoza. 2023.06, (Copyright Year 1929). 266 pages. (Routledge Revivals. Routledge) (Hb.) \26,235

56219. Rovere, Maxime; Le Clan Spinoza. Amsterdam, 1677. L'invention de la liberté. 2019. 560 pages. (Collection Libres Champs. Flammarion) (Br.) \3,091

56220.  Studia Spinozana:  An International & Interdisciplinary Series. Band 13 (1997): Spinoza and Jewish Identity. Edited by Steven Nadle, Manfred Walther, Elhanan Yakira. 2003. 336 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann)  (Br.) \19,734
56221.  Studia Spinozana:  An International & Interdisciplinary Series. Bd. 14 (1998): Spinoza on Mind and Body. Edited by J Thomas Cook, Lee Rice. 2003. 348 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann)  (Br.) \10,120

56222. Saar, Martin; The immanence of power. From Spinoza to "Radical Democracy". 2016. 28 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 106. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56223. Saar, Martin; Die Immanenz der Macht. Politische Theorie nach Spinoza. 2013, 2023.04. 459 Seiten. (stw, 2054. Suhrkamp Verlag) (Kt.) \6,072

56224. Sangiacomo, Andrea; Spinoza on Reason, Passions, and the Supreme Good. 2019. 258 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press) (Hb.) \16,192

56225. Sangiacomo, Andrea; Adam's sin in Spinoza's correspondence with Willem van Blijenbergh. 2016. 31 pages. (Mededelingen vanwege Het Spinozahuis, 108. Voorschoten, Uitgeverij Het Spinozahuis) (Pb.) \4,554

56226. Studia Spinozana. An International & Interdisciplinary Series. Band 16 (2000): Spinoza and Late Scholasticism. Edited by Robert Schnepf, Ursula Renz. 2008. 332 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \10,120

56227. Schwartz, Daniel B.; The First Modern Jew. Spinoza and the History of an Image. 2013. 288 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb) \6,754

56228. Spinoza’s Challenge to Jewish Thought. Writings on His Life, Philosophy, and Legacy. Edited by Daniel B. Schwartz. 2019. 296 pages. (Brandeis Library of Modern Jewish Thought. Brandeis Univ. Press) (Hb.) \6,028

56229. Scribano, Emanuela; Guida alla lettura dell'Etica di Spinoza. 2008, 4a ed. 2016. 200 pp. (Guide ai classici, 9. Edizioni Laterza) (Br.) \4,554

56230.  Scribano, Emanuela; Macchine con la mente. Fisiologia e metafisica tra Cartesio e Spinoza. 2015. 260 pp. (Frecce. Editore Carocci)  (Br.) \5,819
56231.  Scruton, Roger; Spinoza: A Very Short Introduction. 2002. 144 Pages. (Very Short Introductions. Oxford Univ. Press)  (Pb.) \2,266

56232. Spinoza. Edited By Gideon Segal, Yirmiahu Yovel. 2017, Reprint of 2002 edition. 524 pages. (Routledge Revivals. Routledge) (Pb.) \12,529 / (Hb.) \43,725

56233. Segré, Ivan; Spinoza. The Ethics of an Outlaw. Translated by David Broder. 2017. 200 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb.) \7,568 / (Hb.) \29,150

56234. Sergeant, Philippe; Spinoza en ses scolies. 2018. 500 pages. (Les éditions du littéraire) (Br.) \6,325

56235. Sévérac, Pascal; Spinoza. Union et désunion. 2011. 272 pp. (Bibliothèque des philosophies. Vrin) (Br.) \6,831

56236. Between Hegel and Spinoza. A Volume of Critical Essays. Edited by Hasana Sharp, Jason E. Smith. 2014. 224 pages. (Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy. Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb.) \9,702 / (Hb.) \43,725

56237. Sharp, Hasana; Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization. 2011, 2021. 256 pages. (Univ. of Chicago Press) (Pb.) \8,712

56238. Skeaff, Christopher; Becoming Political. Spinoza's Vital Republicanism and the Democratic Power of Judgment. 2018. 208 pages. (Univ. of Chicago Press) (Hb.) \10,406

56239. Slater, Gary / Vrahimis, Andreas; An Analysis of Baruch Spinoza's Ethics. 2018. 96 pages. (The Macat Library. Routledge) (Pb.) \1,892 / (Hb.) \5,819

56240.  Smith, Steven B.; Spinoza's Book of Life. Freedom and Redemption in the Ethics. 2003. 256 pages. (Yale Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \20,570
56241.  Spruit, Leen / Totaro, Pina; The Vatican Manuscript of Spinoza's Ethica. 2011. vi,318 pp. ( Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 205/ Brill's Texts and Sources in Intellectual History, 11. Brill)  (Hb.) \33,143

56242. Stenzel, Jürgen; Philosophie als Antimetaphysik. Zum Spinozabild Constantin Brunners. 2002. 522 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 10. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \8,855

56243. Steinberg, Justin; Spinoza's Political Psychology. The Taming of Fortune and Fear. 2018, 2020. 251 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \7,249 / (Hb.) \22,935

56244. Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy. Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. Edited by Jack Stetter, Charles Ramond. 2019, 2023.03. 440 pages. (Bloomsbury Academic) (Pb.) \11,649 / (Hb.) \46,640

56245. Sticchi, Francesco; Melancholy Emotion in Contemporary Cinema. A Spinozian Analysis of Film Experience. 2019, 2020. 206 pages. (Routledge Advances in Film Studies. Rutledge) (Pb.) \10,780 / (Hb.) \34,980

56246. Stünkel, Knut Martin; Atlantis Regained. Spinoza und die kleinen Formen des Denkens. 2022. 466 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \11,330

56247. Studia Spinozana: An International & Interdisciplinary Series. Volume 12 (1996): Spinoza and Ancient Philosophy. Edited by Franco Chiereghin, Pierre F Moreau, Gerassimos Vokos. 1996. 329 Seiten. (Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \10,120

56248. Taylor, Dan; Spinoza and the Politics of Freedom. 2021, 2022. 304 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press) (Pb.) \5,819 / (Hb.) \24,772

56249. Thomas, James; Intuition and Reality. A Study of the Attributes of Substance in the Absolute Idealism of Spinoza. 2018, 2020, reissued of 1999 edition. 146 pages. (Routledge Revivals. Rutledge) (Pb.) \8,448 / (Hb.) \24,772

56250.  Touber, Jetze; Spinoza and Biblical Philology in the Dutch Republic, 1660-1710. 2018. 334 pages. (Oxford Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \23,276
56251.  van Bunge, Wiep; Spinoza Past and Present. Essays on Spinoza, Spinozism, and Spinoza Scholarship. 2012. xiv,256 pages. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 215. Brill)  (Hb.) \34,408

56252. van der Burg, Floris; Davidson and Spinoza. Mind, Matter and Morality. 2007. 116 pages. (Rutledge) (Hb.) \34,980

56253. Vardoulakis, Dimitris; Spinoza, the Epicurean. Authority and Utility in Materialism. 2020, 2022. 368 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press) (Pb.) \7,282 / (Hb.) \26,235

56254. Verbeek, Theo; Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise. Exploring 'The Will of God'. 2003. 212 pages. (Routledge) (Pb.) \13,662 / (Hb.) \34,980

56255. Viljanen, Valtteri; Spinoza's Geometry of Power. 2011, 2014. 210 pages.s. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Pb.) \10,483 / (Hb.) \20,691

56256. Vinciguerra, Lorenzo; Spinoza et le signe. La logique de l’imagination. 2005. 342 pages. (Bibliothèque d'Histoire de la Philosophie. Vrin) (Br.) \8,855

56257. Walther, Manfred; Gehorsam oder Erkenntnis. Die Philosophie Spinozas in religionsphilosophischer Perspektive. Spinoza-Studien, Band 1. 2018. 407 Seiten. (Beiträge zur Philosophie, Neue Folge. Universitätsverlag Winter) (Gb.) \14,168

56258. Walther, Manfred; Natur, Recht und Freiheit. Spinozas Theorie von Recht, Staat und Politik im Kontext der Frühen Neuzeit. Spinoza-Studien, Band 2. 2018. 346 Seiten. (Beiträge zur Philosophie, Neue Folge. Universitätsverlag Winter) (Gb.) \14,168

56259. Walther, Manfred; Spinoza in Deutschland von G. W. Leibniz bis zu Carl Schmitt. Philosophie – Wissenschaft – Ideologie. Spinoza-Studien, Band 3. 2018. 533 Seiten. (Beiträge zur Philosophie, Neue Folge. Universitätsverlag Winter) (Gb.) \14,168

56260.  Wertheim, David; Salvation through Spinoza. A Study of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany. 2011. x,234 pages, 10 illus. (Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 21. Brill)  (Hb.) \35,926
56261.  The Oldest Biography of Spinoza. Edited and translated by A. Wolf. 2021, reissuede of 1927 edition. 206 pages. (Routledge Library Editions: 17th Century Philosophy. Rutledge)  (Pb.) \8,151 / (Hb.) \24,772

56262. Wulf; Jan-Hendrik; Spinoza in der jüdischen Aufklärung. Baruch Spinoza als diskursive Grenzfigur des Jüdischen und Nichtjüdischen in den Texten der Haskala von Moses Mendelssohn bis Salomon Rubin und in frühen zionistischen Zeugnissen. 2012. 622 S., 36 Abbildungen, schwarz/weis. (Akademie Verlag) (Gb.) \46,783

56263. Yakira, Elhanan; Spinoza and the Case for Philosophy. 2014. 298 pages. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (Hb.) \20,977

56264. Yakira, Elhanan; Spinoza. La cause de la philosophie. Traduction de Edith Fuchs. 2017. 376 pages. (Bibliothèque d'Histoire de la Philosophie. Vrin) (Br.) \9,614

56265. Yakira, Elhanan; Spinoza, l'énigme? 2017. 48 pp. (Bulletin de la Société Française de Philosophie, 2017/1. Vrin) (Br.) \3,058

56266. Yoshida, Kazuhiko; Vernunft und Affektivität. Untersuchungen zu Spinozas Theorie der Politik. 2004. 208 Seiten. (Schriftenreihe der Spinozagesellschaft, 12. Königshausen & Neumann) (Kt.) \7,535

56267. Yovel, Yirmiyahu / Segal, Gideon (eds.); Spinoza on Reason and the "Free Man". Papers Presented at The Third Jerusalem Conference (Ethica IV). 2004. xviii,256 pages. (Spinoza By 2000, 4. Little Room Press) (Pb.) \8,492

56268. Spinoza on Knowledge and the Human Mind. Papers Presented at The Second Jerusalem Conference (Ethica II). Edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel. 1994. xii,244 pages. (Spinoza by 2000, 2. Brill) (Hb.) \48,070

56269. Yovel, Yirmiyahu; Spinoza and Other Heretics. Volume 1: The Marrano of Reason. 1989, 1992. xiii,248 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press) (Pb) \10,890

56270.  Yovel, Yirmiyahu; Spinoza and Other Heretics. Volume 2:. The Adventures of Immanence. 1989, 1992. xv,231 pages. (Princeton Univ. Press)  (Pb) \10,890
56271.  Zourabichvili, François; Spinoza's Paradoxical Conservatism. Translated by Gil Morejon. 2023.05. 312 pages. (Spinoza Studies. Edinburgh Univ. Press)  (Hb.) \26,235

56272.  Zourabichvili, François; Spinoza. Une physique de la pensée. 2002. 304 pages. (Philosophie d'aujourd'hui. PUF)  (Br.) \6,699
